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Showing posts from May, 2019


What indeed. So, this blog is my third now. My first was "Queer Girl, Straight Hair." Interestingly enough, I was/had neither of those. Once I realized I was, in fact, genderfluid and really would rather be called a boy, I looked for a new name. That brought me to "Quill and Shield" on Wordpress. For its short four posts, it had a drastically different tone. QGSH had drifted to recaps of events I went to more than what I really wanted to talk about. And while I had fun going to those events and it gave me a real excuse to do so, it wasn't extremely helpful. Quill and Shield 1.0 had all feelings posts, things about my bucket list and the goings-on of a closeted questioning high school senior. Both of those are private now, so don't bother trying to find them. I got busy, I didn't find it a good coping mechanism anymore, and I drifted away from that blog. Fell out of a routine. That brings us to today. It's two and a half years later, and I rea