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A Few Modules for Ten Candles

Well, that title's pretty straightforward. For those of you who don't know, Ten Candles is a tragic horror RPG (read: everyone dies) played by candlelight. It's set to play in one 2-3 hour session, plus time for character creation. Can't have your players getting attached, now can we? The universe is a sunless apocalypse. Ten days ago, the sun went dark. Five days ago, They came. People started disappearing, and Their only weakness is light. Exactly what They are depends on the session, because it can be entirely up to the player on the GM's right. I recently got the playbook and I've been gearing up to play this system for a year now. Thing is, the playbook directly says not to prepare anything as a GM. Your players are going to derail it anyway, so what's the point? All you should do is prepare a module, something to read when you start the character creation process. I'm hosting my first session this Saturday, using the "Artemis" mod
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